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Showing posts from June, 2016

A Terrible Story

Once upon a time there was a young woman who had been blessed with so many gifts; the gift of time, the gift of technology, the gift of a home, the gift of family, etc. However, all these gifts did not make her a better memory preserver, which is what she had wanted all along to do. You see, memories are fleeting and hard to hold on to. The instant happens and you promise yourself that you'll always and forever remember what had just been, only to realize you can't quite recall what exactly was said or in what order things happened. And it just gets worse the farther down in time you get. I have been a terrible, terrible journalist of what has been going on, especially when it comes to the little Monkey. He's already ONE YEAR OLD and I at least have been keeping up on his monthly pictures. (Which I just remembered I am late taking his 12 month picture! AAAHH!) The whole reason I had started blogging was; 1.) Because I live so far away from all my family and a majority of