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a 2nd birthday....

So we made it to two years of this symbiotic relationship of parenting and childhood, and it amazes me how quickly two years has passed. It seems only a little while ago that this tiny little baby was put in my arms in the hospital, unable to even hold up his head on his own. And now he runs our house.... kinda. It's hit and miss some days as to who is really in charge, but I like to think that he knows that Mom knows what she's doing. (I really don't, but please don't tell him!)   So to celebrate us both making it two years (!!!!!!) we threw a little birthday bash for the monkey boy! And it was contruction themed because that is his big deal ever since he first laid eyes on a backhoe. And yes I actually do know the difference between a backhoe and an excavator and a front loader. My mother in law trying to help the birthday boy share the wrecking ball game with his friends. Sharing is a concept we're stil
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