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Hurricane Season, the longest season

Hello internetians......... What do you call the people of the internet world? Eh, I guess I'll just stick with "Internetians", I grew up being an "Oregonian" so I'm gonna stick with what I know.

It is currently hurricane season, and it lasts from June until November....

That's FIVE MONTHS! Almost half the year!! So before the likelihood of my internet going out gets too high, I'm going to write things down.

So, I've been absent recently. I figure why write things down when I haven't photographically documented them, and since I started truly using and understanding my big girl camera, my phone uploads just seem to not cut it any more.

So here's what else happened in May;

  • We went to the library story time
  • My sprained ankle didn't fully heal in record time
  • Mr. A got the stomach flu
  • We went to a new park
  • We tried play dough
  • We MADE play dough
  • We tried to play outside as much as possible
  • We got rained in ALOT
  • Our friends had their baby
  • We said goodbye to one of our favorite missionaries
  • We got one more month closer to Mr. A's 2nd birthday
Actually quite a bit happen, I guess. Most of it was just close to home, which isn't very exciting.

But we made play dough, and by we I mean my toddler son and I. And I don't know why I did it 45 minutes before our dentist appointment, but I did. It was a rough month staying inside all the time due to my bum ankle and the constant rain. And like the beans and rice (see this post) play dough is messy.

I don't care who says it isn't, and maybe it isn't for them, but my son has a way of grabbing fistfuls of it and making it crumble to the ground in his attempt to feed it to the dog, who knows how truly disgusting it is and refuses to actually eat it. It is literally one of like three things my dog wont eat, not including socks....

Also side note, if you do decide to make play dough yourself (because honestly it is WAY cheaper than purchasing it) be prepared to have a flour bath. My son dumped six, SIX, cups of flour all over himself, the stove, and my floor.... 45 minutes before I was to take him and meet my husband for our joint dental appointments.

Life is fun huh?

We've had the TV on a lot this month... I'm not proud of it, but I need my sanity. Hey mamas, do what you can to keep your heads afloat. No judgement here, honestly.

So here are the pictures I do have.....

 We went to a new park with a splash pad with some friends and it was so much fun!

We spent a lot of time working on improving our backyard where we could, so far we've added my pallet garden bed, a sandbox, a water table, and now a playhouse from my in laws for Mr. A's upcoming birthday. 

It is impossible I've found, to present a toddler with a source of water and not have them drink from it. No matter how I beg, plead, threaten, and actually act on my threats, he still does it. So I try to provide clean fresh water, provide a good drinking source like a cup, and then chalk up whatever happens as an "immunity booster".

 We have some great friends who recently had a little boy and we got to spend a lot of time with them waiting for baby boy to arrive, and spent a lot of time playing and watching their daughter. She and Mr. A are really good friends.... Lets not read too much into that last picture of them.....

Then Elder Stucki went home...He was Mr. A's first real missionary friend. He really warmed up to Elder Stucki (pronounced St-ooo-key) and would always run to the door to watch them drive off.

We love our library story time and the books we check out there. And I love that my son is really starting to appreciate reading, even if it's just construction machine books. 
