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Poke Park Adventures!

For those of you who don't know what's the recent hot new app for your phone, it's Pokemon Go! It's a app created for the millennial generation to help us get off our butts and out into the world and socialize. Sad isn't it? That we now rely on an app to help us get out of our homes and out into this beautiful world? But there's no use crying about it and the state we are in that caused this app to be such a HUGE success, rather I would like to praise the idea behind it and share the Monkey's and my experience thus far.

Now to be clear, the Monkey doesn't play on my phone when we are using the Pokemon Go app, he enjoys the fact that we are going out to more parks more often and getting to explore our new area. Since we moved about 4ish months ago, I haven't really taken the time to get out and about to explore my new local. I've let myself get swamped with unpacking, organizing, and cleaning. So any time we do venture out is usually to go visit the SouthernGuy at work or to go grocery shopping. Pokemon Go uses historical and interesting landmarks to help you progress through the game, kind of like geocaching I guess. So for me down here in the South, there are a TON of old parks, historical churches, etc. I love history and have been itching to go tour and see some more of the rich cultural  spots around here, and funny enough Pokemon Go has been helping me do that.
Apparently this is "THE" spring that gave the name to Denham Springs

Now when I take the Monkey out I check around us to see where a Pokestop is and if it's a park awesome! So I've made a goal to to take the Monkey to a new park at least two times a week, whenever the weather is good. And the reward for me other than getting to see my little boy have a good time seeing new sites, is that I get to play around with the app. The best thing about the app I think is how quickly you can do things so there's no mommy guilt and I'm not attached to my phone. I just turn on the app and let it track my walking and every now and then spend maybe a minute doing a task, but overall I get to focus my attention on the Monkey.

In other news, I have finally been able to edit the Monkey's 12 month pictures! Again about a month late, but at least I took the pictures right after his birthday rather than weeks after. Here they are!

And that is our update for this week! Nothing much else going on down here. How's your week been thus far?

Oh and for those fellow poketrainers out there here's this gem from my texts between the SouthernGuy and I....
