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Showing posts from July, 2016

Poke Park Adventures!

For those of you who don't know what's the recent hot new app for your phone, it's Pokemon Go! It's a app created for the millennial generation to help us get off our butts and out into the world and socialize. Sad isn't it? That we now rely on an app to help us get out of our homes and out into this beautiful world? But there's no use crying about it and the state we are in that caused this app to be such a HUGE success, rather I would like to praise the idea behind it and share the Monkey's and my experience thus far. Now to be clear, the Monkey doesn't play on my phone when we are using the Pokemon Go app, he enjoys the fact that we are going out to more parks more often and getting to explore our new area. Since we moved about 4ish months ago, I haven't really taken the time to get out and about to explore my new local. I've let myself get swamped with unpacking, organizing, and cleaning. So any time we do venture out is usually to go visit

Better Late Than Never!!

So a month ago our little Monkey turned one, and we held a party for him. Because it's cute and probably one of maybe three birthday parties where I can choose more or less the theme and decorate how I want. As a mom I've found that I really love planning these little events and decorating for them. Not that I'm very good, but practice makes perfect! And on that note, better late than never in putting up the pictures of our little family party and his smash cake. I LOVED making his smash cake and his reaction to it was totally worth all the late nights, dirty diapers, and fits we've had this last year. So without further ado, here is my Monkey's first birthday pictures! Nothing better than sharing cake with your daddy!